Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FETC 2009 Keynote Speaker

FETC jumps off tomorrow in Orlando, Florida.  Those in attendance are in store for a feast of treats during the conference and it all begins with one very interesting keynote speaker.

Philippe Cousteau, of the great environmentalist and exploring Cousteaus and president of EarthEcho International, will be addressing the audience about his family's legacy in regards to environmentalism and education. He is also creating a documentary series for Animal Planet about our water systems and how we can support the earth under the water.  

What an interesting pick for an opening keynote.  You would expect one of the many leaders in education technology, or perhaps a teacher or educator from Florida.  This is a welcomed surprise as Mr. Cousteau has valuable insight on the education world from a different angle.  This is a time for new ideas and you have to broaden your spectrum to attract the best.

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