Saturday, January 10, 2009

5 Reasons For Me to Cover FETC

Ms. Jennifer Greene from FETC shot me an email this week reminding me, that FETC was just around the corner. I'm making plans to attend, but you never know what will happen between now an the 21st. This year should be all about new technology and education software, so you know I'll be psyched to get in. Here are her five reason we bloggers should cover the even this we needed any more inspiration.

Top Five Reasons to Cover FETC 2009:
1. Many great stories about classroom challenges and ed-tech under one roof
2. Discover innovative ways to improve teaching during a tight economy
3. Secure informative quotes from inspiring speakers
4. Report on the latest ed-tech tools, tactics and trends
5. Gather unique anecdotes from local educators and the nation’s top ed-tech professionals

One of the largest conferences in the nation devoted entirely to educational technology is fast approaching. FETC 2009, The Educational Technology Conference in Florida, will take place Jan. 21-24, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. Register for press credentials now and allow your audience to live (and learn) the experience through you!
Media representatives and bloggers are encouraged to attend and see the latest in educational technology. There is no cost for media registration; those interested can register online at (click on Press and then go to Credentials). Please note that media representatives and bloggers are required to register and will not be admitted into any FETC venues without a press badge.
We hope you will consider attending and/or covering this important conference.
If you have any questions, please contact Rick Oppenheim at (850) 386

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